Saturday, June 27, 2009

Suatu ketika

Suatu ketika aku melihat orang-orang yang menyiram jalanan. Setelah menyiram tanamannya biasanya mereka melanjutkan dengan menyiram jalan depan rumah mereka agar debu jalanan tidak beterbangan yang dapat membuat rumah kotor. DIlakukan setiap hari. Pagi dan sore hari. Sehari dua kali. Setiap rumah melakukannya.

Suatu ketika aku melihat orang-orang yang tidak menghabiskan makanan yang sedang dimakannya. Terlalu sering aku melihat orang-orang berbuat demikian, towards any kind of food. Sebagian besar orang melakukannya.

Suatu ketika dari mobil yang melintas aku melihat penumpang di dalamnya membuang sampah ke luar mobil. Sembarangan, tidak pada tempatnya. Hal yang sama juga dilakukan oleh mereka yang menumpang angkutan kota. Hal yang sama juga dilakukan oleh pengendara motor, bahkan pejalan kaki.

Suatu ketika aku melihat mobil yang melintas dan penumpang di dalamnya meludah ke jalan. Hal yang sama juga dilakukan oleh mereka yang menumpang angkutan kota, mengendarai sepeda motor, juga pejalan kaki.

Suatu ketika angkutan kota yang kunaiki dipenuhi asap. Seringkali aku mengalaminya. Banyak penumpang angkutan kota yang merokok di dalam angkutan kota.

Suatu ketika aku melihat orang yang menyeberang di bawah jembatan penyeberangan atau tidak jauh dari posisi dimana zebra cross berada. Banyak orang menyeberang jalan tidak melalui zebra cross. Kadang aku pun melakukannya.

Suatu ketika aku melihat orang-orang menyeterika baju di malam hari, ketika pemerintah menggalakkan program matikan minimal dua bola lampu pada pukul 17-22.

Suatu ketika di hari yang terang, aku melihat lampu jalan yang masih menyala, lampu teras rumah yang masih menyala, lampu di suatu gedung yang masih menyala, dan banyak lampu yang tidak penting untuk dinyalakan di siang hari namun masih tetap menyala.

Sekelumit dari apa yang aku sebut sebagai sikap. Sikap yang timbul dari pemikiran yang pendek, acuh tak acuh, tidak peduli, tidak berperasaan, tidak sopan, tidak beradab, dari kelompok-kelompok makhluk hidup yang tetap bersikeras bahwa mereka layak disebut manusia. Spesies yang diciptakan Tuhan lebih dari ciptaan yang lain. Yang diberi tugas mengelola bumi ini. Dan spesies yang samalah, yang bahkan rentang hidupnya tidak lebih lama dari seekor penyu, yang membuat rumahnya sendiri hancur. Hancur lebur berantakan tak bersisa. 

Kenapa kita tidak belajar dari spesies lain? Kenapa kita tidak belajar dari hewan, tumbuhan, dan alam itu sendiri? Layakkah ktia disebut manusia? Karena yang aku tahu saat ini, hari ini, manusia tidak belajar dari peristiwa, tidak menjadikan pengalaman sebagai guru. Hidupku yang pendek ini, dan paradoks yang kulihat dalam hidupku ini.

-insatiable greed of human being destroying their own species- >> own quote

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

she story

Hi, my name is She. I am a kitten. well, i have 2 brothers though, but seems to me i am the most famous among hahhaa...Aha, you can see me in my picture below. My age? well, perhaps i'm 8 months old, and for a cat species, it is already a teenager perhaps...

you see, because as a kitten i have to be active, so i like to play around. me and my family lives in some family's roof top. and often we make a horrible sound so disturbing the house owner...ouch..and they spraying water at us...ugh..but i want to keep playing..!!

on one sunny day, i was walking, again in someone's roof top, looking for my brothers..ooh, where are they? i want to play! this weather is good for us kitten to play, dont you know that!! i keep looking for my brothers, i walk very gently because i dont intend to get another water spray on me..ugh..i hate water!!

for some times, i can not find my brothers, ah...perhaps they are sleeping right now. well, it also a suit weather to sleep. but i want to play!!

hmm..sunny surroundings are quiet, no sound either from inside the house, perhaps the house owner is taking a nap...yet i cant find my brothers!! look! what is that! i think its a grasshopper, wow it could jump very high! i want to jump that high too!!

okay, thats it...i will look for my mom, i think she wants to play with me...what happening here? where is everybody? ugh..! there, i found my mom!! mooomm...!! lets play with me!

oohhh...come on mom!! i want to play!!

mom!! i am one of your child!! why are you ignoring me? come on lets play with me...hiks..hiks..

so be it, i'll play with your tail only, ah...pity me!! where is everybody!! i want to play!! but my mom is not angry with me, and i'll keep playing with her tail...well, its kinda fun though!! i am having fun now!!

my mom is the best in the world!! i can keep playing her tail as long as i want, she wont be bothered at all!! ah...wonder if every day i can do this! but of course i cant, she got to find me food to eat, she is a very responsible mom, a strong mom, a patient mom, she's my mom after all!! hey guys, this is my fabulous mom alright!!

i believe she is watching surroundings, beware if there is any enemy or if there is any prey to catch!! but soon, i was getting bored so quickly.... i think i want to stop playing my mom's tail, i want to look for something else to play with...

whose sandal is this? dont blame me, im only a kitten...little bite wont hurt huh...!!

okay..thats enough! i want to find my brothers again!! brotheeerrss....!!

Finally!! i found one of my brothers. i think he seemed so surprise seeing me not sleeping in this sunny day!! i am gonna explain him later that i am in the mood for playing, lets play together bro!! but we gotta keep it very quiet, dont wanna somebody got angry at us right?

okay, i think im finished playing with this brother, he want to continue his sleeping or perhaps doing other things i dont know. okay, i still have the energy and meal time is coming soon, a little game with my other brother wont do any wrong right? brother!! brother?! do you hear me??

where is he? wonder...

gotcha!!! there you are!! been looking you all this time, looks like youre hiding from sunshine, dont wanna get your skin look tan i suppose? come on lets play bro!!

wow!! he doesnt want to play with me!! see..he's so lazy!! i dont like him!! but alright then, after all, meal time is come, my mom is calling us right now, mom i'm coming!!

you know what, it what us, kitten do...playing and eating!! wonderful life of a kitten!! i want to be kitten forever!!

Saturday, June 13, 2009

Laras Asri Resort and Spa

On 3-5 jun 2009 I went to Salatiga, a city in central java, Indonesia.

it wasnt an occasion though, I had to go to a workshop that is held in one of the beautiful hotel in Salatiga City : Laras Asri Resort and Spa. It is located in Jl Panglima Sudirman, Salatiga, Central Java

because I live in Malang, East Java, I went there using travel service, which can deliver you directly to the location. From Malang it took me about 9,5 hours long to get there. you can go there by bus also.

Laras Asri is a very beautiful hotel. the scenery will make you want to stay there longer or even going back there!!

Here is the front part of the hotel, the entry.

Here is one of the ail in front of rooms on second floor

we will find a fountain before we go to the lobby

Here is a fish pond with fountains in the center, beautify the scenery when we look out from our room, you can see the pond either from first floor or second floor. While you sit enjoying your snack, chatting with relatives, the fresh air fills your lung, your ear hear the sound of the fountain and your eyes freshen.

And this is the swimming pool. i took the picture early in the morning, in order to capture the shadow from the trees surrounding it. afar you can see a gazebo that could be uses to relax while you are still swimming.
This is a decoration in the restaurant. this hotel has 2 restaurants, this one on the picture is located near the swimming pool. the restaurant give its japanese style do look stylish, placement of big mirrors making the room look wider.

This is the entrance to second floor function room.

The architecture of the hotel itself i think resembles the traditional central java houses called joglo. this is the front part of the hotel, where the lobby is. i took the picture early in the morning, trying to catch a star up above. can you see it?

okay..its the room interior..the hotel also has few cottages with large room in it, and large bathroom too...the one that i was stayed in is a regular room.

i think i am not explaining it in order, but thats okay...hehehehe... the picture below is the main lobby. when you taking picture at night, lamps everywhere can make your picture more beautiful.

this is also another side of the lobby.
i'll tell you a bit about the facility. beside swimming pool, restaurants, function rooms, this hotel also provide facilities such as spa, gym, mini zoo, downtown shuttle, merchandises, live karaoke every night, and billiard.

Ah...of course, not to forget about a special bonus i had, watching the sunrise right from the back of my room at 2nd floor!! cool!!!

Well, still a beginner in this field of taking picture, and no editing has been done to these pictures (unless resizing perhaps)!

for further information about this hotel you may go to

m e r a s a i m u ...

hanya merasaimu…

menjadikanku penuh, hanya dengan memandang…

bentuk merasaiku untukmu…memandang…

tak bersentuhan…hanya memandang…

mata yang saling berpandangan, bicara banyak…

ga lebih dan ga kurang…

merasaimu dengan cara seperti ini…

berbahagialah mereka yang dapat merasai namun tidak harus memiliki….

merasaimu, meluluhkan hati dan jiwaku…

be still

be still, for what is to come and what will come yet. this morning was walking as usual to the office and humming some songs. never had the thought will be seeing you. well all of the sudden you came out of nowhere and there you are, riding on a bicycle in front of me.
we dont know each other and we wont shake hands either. no smile that comes out. be the feeling of seeing you there is just a great way for me to start the day.
well, no more words, just grateful seeing you today.

i might cry!!

I might cry 

despite all the circumstances

despite all the situations

dont you know that im also a human being

i wont be angry

wont be dissappointed either

wont be anxious

here i am

at point of no return, aware...

aware of the different dimensions that we have

aware of the borders that go through our ways

im strong on the surface

not all the way through...

so here i am saying

saying it out loud to you

that i might cry

yes... i might cry

if i ever had the chance to meet you again...

song lyric

So youre leaving
In the morning
On the early train
But I could say everythings alright
And I could pretend and say goodbye

Got your ticket
Got your suitcase
Got your leaving smile
Oh, I could say thats the way it goes
And I could pretend and you wont know
That I was lying

Because I cant stop loving you
No, I cant stop loving you
No, I wont stop loving you
Why should i

We took a taxi
To the station
Not a word was said
And I saw you walk across the road
For maybe the last time, I dont know

Feeling humble
Heard a rumble
On the railway track
And when I hear the whistle blow
I walk away and you wont know
That ill be crying

Because I cant stop loving you
No, I cant stop loving you
No, I wont stop loving you
Why should i

Even try
Ill always be here by your side (why why why)
I never wanted to say goodbye
Im always here if you change, change your mind

So your leaving
In the morning
On the early train
But I could say everythings alright
And I could pretend and say goodbye
But that would be lying,no

Because I cant stop loving you
(cant stop loving you)
No, I cant stop loving you
(I wont stop loving you)
No, I wont stop loving you
Why should I even try
Because I cant stop loving you
(cant stop loving you)
No, I cant stop loving you
(thats all I can do)
No, I wont stop loving you
Why should i
(why should I)
Why should i
(tell me why)
Why should I even try

Phil Collins : Can't Stop Loving You


Miserikondria!! Kyrieeleison!!
Tunjukkanlah belas kasihan!! Tuhan kasihanilah!!
Hypocrisy, i’m full of hypocrisy
from the day of my birth until today
Miserikondria!! Kyrieeleison!!
Because I see, that religiousity is made to justify human deeds
it’s not because you ask for his blessings, it’s because you nedd him to justify all things that you do
Hypocrisy, what a hypocrite am I!!!

halo tampan ^_^

marahkah engkau padaku

sesaat tadi kulihat senyum di wajahmu

sesaat tadi kulihat binar di matamu

lalu kau datang lagi melewatiku seperti tadi

tak ada senyum di wajahmu

tak ada binar di matamu

aku tak menuntutmu mengerti apa yang sedang kulakukan

untuk itu, janganlah menuntut apa-apa dariku

namun, sebelum semuanya ini berlalu,

ingin sekali aku menghampirimu dan bertanya,

“Siapakah namamu?”


tadi di warnet gw laper
trus gw liat daftar menu dan pesen ke mbaknya yang jaga warnet
kalo pesen makanan kan musti langsung bayar,
so, gw pesen mi instan sama air mineral
mbaknya nanya ke gw “pesen makannya apa mbak?”
“mi” jawab gw.
“ooo, noodle” mbaknya ngomong gitu..
secara emang di daftar menu mereka nulis menunya dalam bahasa inggris
tapi aneh aja ya, gw ngerasa idup di indonesia yang punya bahasa nasionalnya sendiri
tapi orang2 lebih milih pake bahasa asing (baca: bahasa inggris) dalam kehidupan sehari2
lo bisa liat itu mulai dari menu makanan di warnet, spanduk, reklame, baliho, nama toko,
nama hotel dan nama2 lainnya, rincian jasa yang ditawarkan pengiklan, di rumah makan,
di warung, di merk, di mana2 tempat, lo sebut aja…
ga aneh dong kalo gw bilang gw dislokasi? belajar bahasa asing itu penting,
ga haram juga kalo bahasa inggris lebih banyak dipakai di tempat2 publik,
karena emang -mungkin- keliatan lebih keren dan internasional…yeah…
it’s not about the “noodle” thing, it’s merely about nationalism, how we think and act about it
secara gw masih ada di indonesia, maka buat gw aneh banget kalo tidak menggunakan bahasa nasional
secara -sebenernya- istilah2, kalimat2, kata2, dsb itu ada terjemahannya dalam bahasa indonesia
gw emang bukan seorang munsyi, ahli bahasa, gw cuma warga negara biasa, yang ga pengen
prediksi orang terhadap bahasa nasionalnya (bahwa bahasa indonesia adalah salah satu
dari bahasa2 di dunia yang bakal punah) terjadi.
dislokasi nih!!!

Kamu yang Disitu

kamu yang di situ, mengapa diam saja

memandang langit, memandang bintang, memandang bulan

kamu yang di situ, mengapa diam saja

tak hiraukan kendaraan yang berseliweran

kamu yang di situ, mengapa diam saja

lalu lalang orang memperhatikanmu yang diam

kamu yang di situ, mengapa diam saja

kemanakah tujuanmu

lalu aku tahu, tak ada tujuanmu

berumahkan bumi, beratapkan langit, berkasurkan tanah

lalu lalang orang tetap sibuk

namun, hai kamu yang di situ,

kamu diam saja, karena di situlah istanamu